Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Middle of the day post

So, im still really busy all the time, but right now i have some free time, and i kind of feel like writing something, so here we go.  Stuff is still going real well, although im starting to get worn down by all of the work.  Its not too bad, just that i feel like im going to need a break in a couple of weeks.  Weekends don't help, since half of them are spent doing homework anyway.  I could use a good 1-2 week break, if not now, then by the end of the month.  And when that dosen't come, i might start having problems with my workload.
As for games and stuff, ive been enjoying playing Sec 8 a lot recently.  I played online with Ben a few days ago, and have been playing a lot offline to get stars and stuff.  I still have a bit of an overinflated oppinion of my skill at Sec 8 from this weekend, when with a lot of lag and without feeling like i was playing very well, i topped my team's scoreboard repeatedly, and was competetive in score with the top guys on the other teams.  Unfortunately, we still lost most of the matches, since they were overall better.  But that was still neat, and of course got me fantasizing about joining a team and being a pro Sec 8 player.  Its really too bad this game dosen't have a bigger following, its pretty great.
Also, this weekend im going to go visit Sean up in Boone!  Only for a day or so, Saturday morning to Sunday morning, but hopefully we can get in a lot of good starcrafting!  I should play more the next few nights to get back into practice!  I just need to find the time...

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