Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More GG, more Skill.

Hey!  I'm actually starting to get a bit more into this.  I do like rambling on about the shit im interested in, and im thinking less about who may or may not see it.  So, today i didn't really play any games for the majority of the day.  I guess Minecraft does count, but its not so much a game to me as it is an enjoyable, creative experience / ridiculously monumental timesink.  The air subway is basically done, it just needs some more redstone wiring, and the structure of the airship dock im building at one end is basically done.  who knows if i will actually furnish the inside of it, i usually find that part of construction the most uninteresting.  My current challenge is building airships in midair which dont look like arse.  I also watched more gamescom vids from TB today, and went out to eat mexican (my favorite) with my family for dinner.  Then after i got back and did some more minecraft, i decided to ladder a bit on SC2.
This is what my title is related to.  Yesterday i found a great video on youtube.  Its a trailer of an upcoming SC2 documentary called "StarNation" and it is really something.  In it White-Ra, one of the most awesome and good mannered players out there, says some inspirtational stuff about winning and losing.  That coupled with the 2 State of the Game episodes i listened to while minecrafting coupled with an epic wallpaper of WhiteRa with the quote from the trailer that i found made me really want to get on SC2 and give it my all.  I won 3 matches, lost one, and then happened to check twitter and see that Day9 had put up the next Funday Monday topic, which is Zerg related.  So, i played (and lost) 2 more matches using his restrictions, and plan to do a bunch more tomorrow.  Hopefully at least some of them will be exciting enough to make it into the daily!  Also, with Sean and I going to MLG Raleigh this weekend, im really hyped to see some awesome SC2 and meet a ton of pros!

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