Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today was a good day.  I got to start a bunch of my classes, which i'm looking forward to, i got to go eat mexican food with my family, i hung out with friends from the art house i'm living in this year, and i even found time to both be productive and play some more ddo.  All in all, a good birthday.  Now it's bed time, cause i have more Music Theory bright and early!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

School starting up!

So, i sorta forgot to write a post the past two nights, so this should be a longish one.  Sunday was great, Sean and i watched MLG all day.  The finals were pretty great, with CoCa putting up a great fight versus Bomber before that terran powerhouse eventually won.  Then we drove home, talked for a bit, and then he left and i went straight to bed without remembering to post anything here!  The next day i moved into my new room on campus.  Im in a theme house with a bunch of fun people.  I allready knew a few of them coming into this, and all the rest of them that ive met are also really cool!  So on Monday i moved in, turned in my old laptop for a new one, got that all situated, and then went out for groceries and stuff.  I also saw a number of people around campus who i hadn't seen in a while, that was fun.  Yesterday night i laddered for a bit, and then talked with one of my housemates James (i think thats his name... curse my inability to remember names!) about games until late into the night, especially DDO, or Dungeons and Dragons Online, a free MMO that uses a lot of the DnD rules.
Today i worked on getting stuff sorted out for my classes, which start tomorrow.  I've got quite the lineup, but im excited for them, and hopefully wont get crushed!  I took a placement test for music theory, i bought textbooks, and i started the process for raising my course hour limit for this semester.  Then i came back to my room and started a character on DDO, which i downloaded overnight.  It seems pretty fun so far, and is nicely different from what im used to in a number of ways.  I think im really going to like the quest/dungeon system and the emphasis on group play.  James (?) even came upstairs after a bit with his laptop and started up an alt on the same server as Ben and I (Ben also started playing recently, and had mentioned it to me yesterday).  We had a good bit of fun together, and i can't wait to get off the tutorial island so that i can group with Ben, who is allready off.  Also, my brother finally reinstalled SC2, but we weren't able to play tonight, cause he was busy with some guild activities on WoW.  Hopefully tomorrow night!  Also, we all went out back earlier and hit some golf balls in our huge back yard, and talked about doing a fun art project involving paint covered golf balls and a huge canvas strapped to the back of the garage!  Seems to me like a good sign of the year to come!  Im listening to SotG right now, but will probably have to stop soon, so that i can go to bed and get up in time for class tomorrow!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day two!

Today was another great day at MLG Raleigh!  First Sean and i went to a Target to get sharpies, so that we could get more pro signatures, then we went to the venue and got into it!  So many good matches!  The two heroes of the day for the foreigners were deffinitely KiWiKaKi and SeleCT.  They did well in Dallas, but have had a dissapointing last two MLGs, and are deffinitely making a comeback!  Also, EG.PuMa has been showing everyone why he is one of the best today, plowing his way through the open bracket to then go 5-0 in his pool!  Last but not least, im really interested in SlayerS.CoCa, a zerg player who seems to combine some of the originality of players like CatZ, Destiny and Spanishiwa with the refinement of a korean pro.  Deffinitely someone i'll want to watch out for in the future!
Sean and i went to lunch with his friend Megan today as well, which was fun!  Mellow Mushroom has great pizza!  As for what we did in the convention center when not watching games, we've both been trying to get more signatures from players, but they're often busy, and i for one always worry about bothering or interrupting them in case they might not be in the mood to sign things or take pictures.  Still, i really want to get signatures from a number of other people tomorrow, and am going to do my best to do so tomorrow!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Today has been a really great day.  Sean and i got on the road on the early side, and arrived in Raleigh in time to find the convention center and hang out for a but before we got in (early, because we are gold members!)  We got signatures from all the casters, and then later also got sigs and pics with TLO at the Sony Ericsson booth.  We also watched a lot of Starcraft and talked with a number of like minded spectators.  We were there all the way until the end, when JP and the State of the Game crew did a live discussion of what had happened so far, and then JP talked with the CEO of MLG and a senior VP of something about their plans for SC2 and MLG next year.  It was all real exciting, and im looking forward to tomorrow!!!
Also, Hurricane Irene is passing along the NC coast, but it looks like all we will get is steady rain and maybe some storms.  Should be safe!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

MLG Anticipation

So all day i was waiting for my friend Sean to arrive so that we could play some starcraft, and so that tomorrow we can go to MLG Raleigh!  Im so excited for it!  I've been to Dreamhack, but something about MLG just seems special.  Anyway, this morning i laddered a bit, both silly games for Day9's Funday Monday and legit games, and then i played more minecraft.  Ive finished the Airway, as i call it, even the redstone wiring for the signal system, and im making progress on the airship docks.
In the afternoon my dad was listening to the news to hear the weather report on Hurricane Irene, and afterwards voiced significant concerns about my safety in Raleigh.  While i do understand his concerns, really i do, and i will do everything i can to be safe this weekend, i just can't see me not going to this event now short of the actual event getting canceled.  This is going to happen.  I dealt with the situation, and then we later went to pick up Sean.  We talked all the way back about SC2 and ESPORTS in general, and then played some good SC2 once we got to my house.  Tomorrow we're gonna wake up earlyish in order to get on the road, in the hopes of getting to Raleigh in time to meet Day9, Tastosis, and Husky!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More GG, more Skill.

Hey!  I'm actually starting to get a bit more into this.  I do like rambling on about the shit im interested in, and im thinking less about who may or may not see it.  So, today i didn't really play any games for the majority of the day.  I guess Minecraft does count, but its not so much a game to me as it is an enjoyable, creative experience / ridiculously monumental timesink.  The air subway is basically done, it just needs some more redstone wiring, and the structure of the airship dock im building at one end is basically done.  who knows if i will actually furnish the inside of it, i usually find that part of construction the most uninteresting.  My current challenge is building airships in midair which dont look like arse.  I also watched more gamescom vids from TB today, and went out to eat mexican (my favorite) with my family for dinner.  Then after i got back and did some more minecraft, i decided to ladder a bit on SC2.
This is what my title is related to.  Yesterday i found a great video on youtube.  Its a trailer of an upcoming SC2 documentary called "StarNation" and it is really something.  In it White-Ra, one of the most awesome and good mannered players out there, says some inspirtational stuff about winning and losing.  That coupled with the 2 State of the Game episodes i listened to while minecrafting coupled with an epic wallpaper of WhiteRa with the quote from the trailer that i found made me really want to get on SC2 and give it my all.  I won 3 matches, lost one, and then happened to check twitter and see that Day9 had put up the next Funday Monday topic, which is Zerg related.  So, i played (and lost) 2 more matches using his restrictions, and plan to do a bunch more tomorrow.  Hopefully at least some of them will be exciting enough to make it into the daily!  Also, with Sean and I going to MLG Raleigh this weekend, im really hyped to see some awesome SC2 and meet a ton of pros!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spending money I don't have

Almost went to bed without writing this, but here i am.  First off, what did i do today?  I watched youtube videos, i worked a bit in minecraft, i played some starcraft 1v1, and i played a bit of Section 8: Prejudice.  The starcraft was quite fun, since i haven't played it in days.  I wouldn't say i have ladder anxiety, but i would say that playing starcraft takes a lot of focus and attention, and after each match i feel a little drained.  I feel great if i win as well, not so much if i lose.  I went 3-2 before i got off, which is pretty good.  Also, ive been having issues with Sec 8 recently.  It starts lagging after 2-3 matches, and i don't know why.  I suspect that it is Games for Windows Live's fault, because my laptop is deffinitely not overheating with the cooling pad i have now, ive checked, and ive only been playing offline matches.  Also, i have an irrational bias against Microsoft, XBox, and any game distribution platform that isnt my beloved Steam.
So, whats up with my title?  Well, two things.  First of all, ive been watching a lot of TotalBiscuit videos on youtube where he does reviews of games at Gamescom in Cologne, and at least half of the games he's shown i really would like to get.  Luckily most of them aren't coming out for at least a few months, but i don't really have the money or the time to be buying and playing a bunch more games.  The second reason for the title is that i have recently been looking into the Warhammer 40k universe, since it seems like one of the nerdiest things out there which i haven't dabbled in yet, because TB (he's basically my god) really likes the lore, and cause two of my favorite players on team Evil Geniuses (a kickass SC2 team), iNcontroL and Machine both collect Tyranids.  I totally don't know if anyone even plays 40k anymore, either nearby me or at all, but if they do i would probably really enjoy learning the game.  Ive been reading up on Tau lore, and think their army seems pretty neat.  HOWEVER, that shit costs money, and i can't afford to go spending $500 on little miniatures which i then have to spend 50 hours painting.  Sigh.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Missed one

So, i allready missed one blog this week.  Sorta forgot last night, but im not too worried about it.  Yesterday i went shopping for stuff for school and played games.  I did get to play with my friend Ben, but not with Sean, who always seems so busy.  Basically the same routine today, except instead of shopping as my daily outing, i went to get some film developed that i had taken while abroad, and then later went to my little brother's open house at high school to see some of my old teachers whom i miss.
So, not really anything special.  I know it probably seems like i'm really downplaying everything that happens in my day, but thats cause to me it doesn't seem like any of it is all that important.  Its a weird paradox, i guess, because whenever i think about what i might write in this blog, i have all sorts of stuff i want to ramble on about, and should therefore really enjoy having a space in which to do it.  However, i also think of all of those ramblings as useless shite, and i don't want to write a bunch of text that nobody is ever going to read, thereby making me dislike the idea of writing a blog.  So, either im going to find a way to get over my fear of embarrasing myself by just laying a bunch of stream-of-conscious text out for the internet to see, or this blog will swiftly end.

I think im going to try for number 1, expect daily blogs starting tonight and for the rest of this week.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How 2 Blog?

So, this is my first attempt at a 'Blog.'  Needless to say, i have no idea what to write, or why i would want to share it with the internet.  Honestly, i'm only starting this cause a good friend of mine has been bugging me to.  I guess i'll sort of approach this as a sort of journal, since thats what he seems to have done.
Today i sat around and played Minecraft for a large portion of the day.  I'm working on a sort of subway tunnel suspended in the air running between two mountains where i have built towns.  It looks pretty neat, but has taken forever, and isn't done.  I also helped clean up around the house, and then socialized with some of my parents friends who they had over for a gathering this evening.  It was fun, i hadn't seen most of them in a while.  Then i got online and played some Section 8: Prejudice, since its double xp weekend.  Then i got off that and decided to go ahead and write this.
See?  nothing too special there.  Thats why i tend not to do a lot of Facebook or Twitter either, i generally feel that i don't have anything interesting to say, and sharing what dumb stuff i do have to share would just be cluttering up the intertubes with more useless drivel.  Despite that, i will do my best to at least give this a good week, to see if i can get into it.