Monday, October 3, 2011


I just finished watching an amazing best of 5 between EG.IdrA and EG.PuMa in the semifinals of IEM Guangzhou.  It was stunning.  As of late IdrA has not been putting up the sort of results most expect of him, and his teammate PuMa is one of the stronger Korean Terrans around, so most would have expected PuMa to win easily.  However, these past two days at IEM, IdrA seems to have turned on beast mode, culminating in an astounding 3-0 victory over the favorite to win the tournament!
In the first game on Shattered Temple, IdrA held off PuMa's early hellion harassment, and then when PuMa tried to back off and play defensively, IdrA picked him apart bit by bit with great mutalisk harassment, drops, and nyduses of lings and ultras.  It almost didn't seem like PuMa was playing, but some lesser Terran.  That all changed in game 2, on Tal'Darim Altar, which turned into a 45 minute long ZvT with crazy drop play going on all the time, ling run-bys, intricate micro dances between infestors, broodlords, tanks, and vikings, and both players getting to a point where they were pretty much playing off of half a base each.  The map wasn't mined out, but they denied each other's expansions so well that they both started to run out of stuff.  In the end, IdrA got a great fungal and surround on PuMa's last main pack of marines and his last thor, closing out game 2.  Then in game 3 on Shakuras Plateau, IdrA held off some fake bunker pressure from PuMa with perfectly timed zerglings, he caught PuMa's harassing hellions, got a ling run-by into PuMa's natural, and somehow killed all of PuMa's marines when he ran his lings and banelings into PuMa's main defensive force of tanks and marines outside his third.  I honestly think he might have burrowed a few banelings to avoid the tank shells, and then detonated them on the marines.  Either that or the cloud of mutas blocked PuMa's vision, and he didn't see any banelings left and moved his marines back up.  anyway, it was pretty much over after that.  IdrA backed off a bit, harassed safely, and once he maxed out, he fell upon PuMa's slight defense force of maybe 100 supply.
What i think i'm most excited about is that now we get to see IdrA shave Slasher live at IPL3 later this week! I just hope that if elfi somehow beats IdrA in the IEM finals, that Slasher dosen't bitch out by saying that IdrA didn't actually win the tournament, and that he needs to wait for elfi to do the shaving.  I'm sure he won't, cause if he did he would pretty much be the most hated guy in ESPORTS, but hey, i worry about stupid shit.  Anyway, i'd like to stay up to watch IdrA v elfi, but im tired, its after 1, i have class in the morning, and there is a 3rd / 4th place match between now and the start of the finals.  I don't have time for 2 more Bo5s, so i'll just have to catch up in the morning.  The important match for me is over, and i am most pleased with the results!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Middle of the day post

So, im still really busy all the time, but right now i have some free time, and i kind of feel like writing something, so here we go.  Stuff is still going real well, although im starting to get worn down by all of the work.  Its not too bad, just that i feel like im going to need a break in a couple of weeks.  Weekends don't help, since half of them are spent doing homework anyway.  I could use a good 1-2 week break, if not now, then by the end of the month.  And when that dosen't come, i might start having problems with my workload.
As for games and stuff, ive been enjoying playing Sec 8 a lot recently.  I played online with Ben a few days ago, and have been playing a lot offline to get stars and stuff.  I still have a bit of an overinflated oppinion of my skill at Sec 8 from this weekend, when with a lot of lag and without feeling like i was playing very well, i topped my team's scoreboard repeatedly, and was competetive in score with the top guys on the other teams.  Unfortunately, we still lost most of the matches, since they were overall better.  But that was still neat, and of course got me fantasizing about joining a team and being a pro Sec 8 player.  Its really too bad this game dosen't have a bigger following, its pretty great.
Also, this weekend im going to go visit Sean up in Boone!  Only for a day or so, Saturday morning to Sunday morning, but hopefully we can get in a lot of good starcrafting!  I should play more the next few nights to get back into practice!  I just need to find the time...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So busy, so wonderfully busy

So, its been days since my last legit post.  My life is really, really hectic and busy right now, but not in a negative way.  I've just go to such stuff going on htat i don't have time to do it all.  Not even close.  Each night i have Theory homework, which i find interesting and enjoyable, my biochem professor has been recording her lectures as she presents her powerpoints in class, and then putting the combined files online for us to study, i always have some worksheet or another to do for German, my Music History class has a bunch of stuff i need and want to read and listen to and then write responses to, there is so much stuff i could be doing in the computer lab for Digital Sound and Music, and i have a new keyboard in my room for practicing piano and singing.  And thats just the schoolwork related stuff.
We have my roommate Zach's N64 hooked up to the TV downstairs, and i would love to have more time to play some smash bros with the others, as well as finally beat Ocarina of Time, a personal goal for this semester.  Jeremy, one of my housemates, has Magicka, and we've been meaning to start a playthrough together.  He is also the one who got me into DDO, which i havent touched in days, and which reminds me that i havent had a chance to talk to Ben since the weekend.  It feels like its been weeks.  I bought the new Deus Ex, which is really great and which i of course want to play all the way through, i want to still play some Sec 8, and i want to play more Starcraft with Scott, so that he dosen't lose interest.  I'm way behind on Totalbiscuit and Yogscast videos on Youtube, i haven't watched any SC2 streams or vods in a while, Jeremy and Zach keep wanting to play soccer in our backyard, which i want to join in, there is a Secrest Artist Series concert tonight which i must see, since they are always great, i have chorus class in 15 minutes and need to leave soon, i have emails i should be writing right now, i need to go get my laundry out of the dryer before i go, and about a thousand other things i can't remember / don't have time to list.  So, right now my life is crazy, and i kinda like it that way, at least for now.

Monday, September 5, 2011


So, i haven't written in a few days. Im tired right now, so im also not going to write right now, but i think im going to stop waiting to only write these at night, like Sean does.  I have time during the day, and that is when i shall write a full update.  Tomorrow.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Life is good

So, i've generally been happy the past few days.  Im glad to be back at school and taking classes again, im enjoying feeling productive when i do work, im enjoying getting to know the other people in this house and hanging out with them when i would normally be intent on my computer screen, alone.  And not to say that i haven't had some alone time as well, which i have used to stay caught up on work and ESPORTS, and to play some games.  I finally found time to get out of the starting area of DDO, i downloaded th YoGBoX for Minecraft today, and have installed it, and i reinstalled League of Legends and Section 8: Prejudice on my new computer, although i haven't been able to play either.  I'm actually playing minecraft right now.  I'm also debating between buying Deus Ex now, since it looks like the sort of single player RPG i want right now, and waiting for the price to drop a bit.  Either way, i hope to find some time this weekend for some more Starcraft.  the thing is that SC2 requires enough concentration that i don't feel like i can just sort of sit down and play a match or two casually.  I want to be focused the whole time.  Anyway, its super late, and i should go to bed soon, but yeah, things are going well for me, im happy, and i should have more time to hang out with friends and play games this weekend!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today was a good day.  I got to start a bunch of my classes, which i'm looking forward to, i got to go eat mexican food with my family, i hung out with friends from the art house i'm living in this year, and i even found time to both be productive and play some more ddo.  All in all, a good birthday.  Now it's bed time, cause i have more Music Theory bright and early!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

School starting up!

So, i sorta forgot to write a post the past two nights, so this should be a longish one.  Sunday was great, Sean and i watched MLG all day.  The finals were pretty great, with CoCa putting up a great fight versus Bomber before that terran powerhouse eventually won.  Then we drove home, talked for a bit, and then he left and i went straight to bed without remembering to post anything here!  The next day i moved into my new room on campus.  Im in a theme house with a bunch of fun people.  I allready knew a few of them coming into this, and all the rest of them that ive met are also really cool!  So on Monday i moved in, turned in my old laptop for a new one, got that all situated, and then went out for groceries and stuff.  I also saw a number of people around campus who i hadn't seen in a while, that was fun.  Yesterday night i laddered for a bit, and then talked with one of my housemates James (i think thats his name... curse my inability to remember names!) about games until late into the night, especially DDO, or Dungeons and Dragons Online, a free MMO that uses a lot of the DnD rules.
Today i worked on getting stuff sorted out for my classes, which start tomorrow.  I've got quite the lineup, but im excited for them, and hopefully wont get crushed!  I took a placement test for music theory, i bought textbooks, and i started the process for raising my course hour limit for this semester.  Then i came back to my room and started a character on DDO, which i downloaded overnight.  It seems pretty fun so far, and is nicely different from what im used to in a number of ways.  I think im really going to like the quest/dungeon system and the emphasis on group play.  James (?) even came upstairs after a bit with his laptop and started up an alt on the same server as Ben and I (Ben also started playing recently, and had mentioned it to me yesterday).  We had a good bit of fun together, and i can't wait to get off the tutorial island so that i can group with Ben, who is allready off.  Also, my brother finally reinstalled SC2, but we weren't able to play tonight, cause he was busy with some guild activities on WoW.  Hopefully tomorrow night!  Also, we all went out back earlier and hit some golf balls in our huge back yard, and talked about doing a fun art project involving paint covered golf balls and a huge canvas strapped to the back of the garage!  Seems to me like a good sign of the year to come!  Im listening to SotG right now, but will probably have to stop soon, so that i can go to bed and get up in time for class tomorrow!